
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

HENRY CLAY AND THE PROTECTIVE TARIFF Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HENRY CLAY AND THE PROTECTIVE TARIFF - Essay Example Its core principal is to protect the domestic economy rather than to raise revenue. An example of a protective tariff is seen in the importation of oranges. Orange fruit does not grow everywhere, and South American countries often produce massive quantities for export. If a country can produce oranges but can import them from South America cheaper than growing them domestically, a protective tariff might be applied. This tariff will inflate the price of the imported oranges so that they are equal to or higher than the price of domestic oranges. Tariffs for many years were primarily used to collect Federal revenue and protect start-up industries. The government largely restricted its activities to maintaining order and protecting property by imposing army, navy and courts tariffs in order to raise enough revenues to finance government programs. This made the government largely self supporting. During wars or in attempt to meet other needs, additional income was secured by raising the tariff and excercise tax rates. Short term and unanticipated capital needs (budget deficits) were usually covered by borrowing. Those favoring protective tariffs mostly engage in manufacturing sector that would be negatively impacted by foreign competition. Exporting areas that would be severely hurt by retaliatory trade measures imposed by their trading partners. The exporting countries also feel as though protective tariffs deal them a double blow since they export cash crops to trading partners affected by protective tariffs and have to purchase foodstuffs and manufactured goods that might be more costly due to the imposition of protective tariffs.   On the opposite end of the spectrum are two arguments in favor of protective tariffs. One is that it keeps money earned locally within the domestic economy. The idea being that if a man earns a paycheck from a local business, he should feed that money back into other local

Monday, October 28, 2019

Organizational Performance Essay Example for Free

Organizational Performance Essay Abstract The measurement of organizational performance has undergone changes in relation to its measurement focus. From a uniquely financial perspective, it began to consider other nonfinancial perspectives, as well as to include a cause and effect relation between the operational dimension and the strategic dimension of organizations. Based on this current view, Performance Prism presents itself as a performance measurement system alternative to be used by organizations, with its main focus being the stakeholders in its field of operation. The objective of this study is to present a conceptual approach to the measurement of organizational performance by means of a review of literature, introducing the Performance Prism as the system for this measurement. Besides introducing the entire conceptual structure, based on the authors who proposed the model, Andy Neely and Chris Adams, this paper introduces a theoretical review regarding the concepts of performance measurement, differentiating the new tendencies of new approaches and showing the relation between performance measurement systems and the management of organizational performance. The Performance Prism model presents itself as a new performance measurement system alternative within the current need that goes beyond the financial approach. In relation to the Balanced Scorecard, a broadly used model nowadays, Performance Prism stands out for having a broader aspect with regard to the stakeholders considered, which are the model’s core focus. However, literature shows that the Performance Prism does not stand out yet as a broadly used model in the world. We conclude that this model can contribute towards organizations that seek changes in how they manage performances, mainly due to the fact that most often the stakeholders that belong to the environment in which they are inserted are who   generate the sustainability of these organizations, and therefore it is reasonable that they should be the focus of this organizational performance. Keywords: performance measurement; performance prism; stakeholders. 1. Introduction The measurement of organizational performance has undergone changes in relation to its measurement focus. From a uniquely financial perspective, it began to consider other nonfinancial perspectives, as well as to include a cause and effect relation between the operational dimension and the strategic dimension of organizations. Based on this current view, Performance Prism presents itself as a performance measurement system alternative to be used by organizations, with its main focus being the stakeholders in its field of operation. The objective of this study is to present a conceptual approach to the measurement of organizational performance by means of a review of literature, introducing the Performance Prism as the system for this measurement. 2. Measuring performance in the new context For a long time, performance measurement was focused only on financial  indicators, failing to address other perspectives influencing an organization’s global performance. Eccles (1998) understands that not considering financial indicators as the basis for performance measurement and treating them solely as a single aspect in a broader array of indicators is a requirement for this current competitive environment. Bogan and English (1997) present a differentiation among performance indicators in past and current contexts. Figure 1 shows the indicator set known as â€Å"old performance indicators†, focused on finance. Source: Bogan and English, 1997, p. 60 Figure 1 – Old performance indicators Figure 2 shows the approach with quality seen together with the financial aspects. Currently, other non-financial dimensions are included, as well as stakeholders such as clients and employees. In this context, changes shown in Figures 1 and 2 reflect the transformation of this performance measurement approach using only financial indicators into a set of financial and non-financial indicators. According to Cavenaghi (2001), for years financial performance measurement was seen as the only way, the correct and legitimate way of assessing effectiveness and efficiency in an organization. Drucker (1998) stresses that, regarding performance, it is important to consider the strategic approach that goes over an organization’s internal boundaries, overcoming the vision contemplating cost centers and approaching issues like proprietary and third-party technologies, changes in economy, markets, clients and future targets and financial markets. Source: Bogan and English, 1997, p. 60 Figure 2 – New performance indicators Dornier et al. (2000) see performance indicators as a guide for making investments, defining goals and also benchmarking vs. the actual status, in addition to a facilitating instrument for predicting and reducing uncertainties, identifying high priority actions, helping in engaging and managing staff and being a dynamic tool reflecting the organizations  behavior. For Simons and Dà ¡vila (2000, p. 73), â€Å"classic financial indicators for measuring performance, i.e. return on net assets, return on assets and return on sales, are useful, but are not specifically destined to reflect the company’s quality of work when implementing strategies†. According to Corrà ªa and Caon (2002), traditional corporate performance measurement systems, in addition to focusing almost exclusively on financial indicators, did not support adequate decision making by the executives, since they did not adequately reflect the level in which the organization is being able or unable to reach meet strategic goals. According to Miranda and Silva (2002), any action to be implemented in a company needs follow-up to know to what extent it is progressing regarding defined goals and which corrective actions should be adopted if required. According to these authors, companies need to valorize performance measurement for the following factors: Controlling the companys operating activities; Feeding employees’ incentive systems; and Controlling planning. Thus, performance measurement needs to be a part of the control process, involving strategic, tactic and operating levels, continuously assessing planning and actions implemented under different perspectives, such as clients, processes, collaborators, shareholders and other that can interfere with an organization’s global performance, not solely contemplating the financial perspective. 3. Performance Management and Performance Measurement System To Neely et al. (1995), a performance measurement system must contain individual indicators, but inter-related regarding a specific environment, as shown in Figure 3. According to these authors, when designing a performance measurement system the following aspects must be considered: What performance indicators are to be used? What are they used for? How much will they cost? What benefits will they bring? Source: Neely et al, 1995, p. 81 Figure 3– A structure for the performance measurement system design According to Lebas (1995), measuring performance and managing performance are not separated. He states that there is an interactive process between those two aspects. Performance management is an organizational philosophy supported by performance measurement. According to the author, approach types are different, but in the first case, it is worried with related issues, such as training, incentives, compensation, management style and communication. In the second case, it is aimed at measuring potential, inputs, outputs and deviations. Bititci, Carrie and Mcdevitt (1997) understand the performance measurement system as the information system that represents the core of the performance management process. Figure 4, presents the performance management system according to the authors and the position of the performance measurement system. Source: Bititci, Carrie and Mcdevitt (1997) Figure 4 – The performance management process and the position of the performance measurement system. For these authors, performance management is the process in which a company manages its performance aligned with corporate and functional strategies. The goal of this process is to promote a continuous, proactive control system where functional and corporate strategies are outspread to all business process, activities, tasks, and people and feedback is obtained through a performance measurement system, allowing for an adequate decision making management. According to Martins (1998), the performance management process must be the way in which a company manages performance, aligned with corporate and functional strategies and goals derived from these strategies. According to this author, strong market competitiveness characterizes corporate environment, requiring products with quick technologic innovation   and short life cycles, forcing the performance management to be aligned to these concepts, as presented below:- Acknowledgement of manufacturing  (operations) as the missing link in company strategies and a subsequent source of competitive advantage; Appearance of Total Quality management as a management philosophy – continuous improvement for products and processes; Leaving the mechanistic view of the world for a systemic view; Company aimed at the satisfaction of its stakeholders; Multiple competitive criterions: quality, cost, reliability, time, flexibility, innovation and service; Importance of integrating the company’s supply chain, both external and internal; and Valuing teamwork and proactive decision making, anticipating potential future problems. Regarding the performance measurement system, Martins (1998) sees it in the core of the performance management process, integrating all relevant system information, such as strategy development and review, managerial accounting, management by objectives, nonfinancial performance indicators, bonus incentive structure and individual performance evaluations. For this author, new performance measurement systems must possess the following characteristics: Be aligned with competitive strategy; Contemplate financial and non-financial indicators; Drive and support continuous improvement; Identify trends and advancements; Be clear in cause-effect relationships; Be easily understood by employees; - Encompass the entire supply chain process; Real -time information and be dynamic; and Evaluate the group, not the individual, in addition to influencing the attitude of collaborators. For Corrà ªa and Corrà ªa (2005), performance measurement systems are part of the control and planning cycle, crucial for operations management, provided that performance indicators provide the means for collecting performance data that, after evaluated according to certain standards, support the decision making process. According to these authors, establishing an adequate performance evaluation system is crucial for influencing desired behaviors in people and in operations systems so that certain strategic intentions are more likely to become actions aligned to the desired strategy. Thus, performance measurement systems provide, through a set of information, support for the performance management process, which has a broader approach. When designing  a performance measurement system, one must understand the adoption of me measurements, in terms of acquisition costs, justification and utilization and these must be inter-related, being part of the organization’s planning and control cycle. 4. Performance Prism as a Performance Measurement System Evaluating organizational relationships with its main stakeholders and their links to strategies, processes and competencies can be a way to leverage and improve corporate performance. For Frost (2000), depending on business nature, stakeholders can be external, internal clients, regulation authorities, shareholders and others. This author understands one should consider all stakeholders involved with the organization, to the extent of if one is forgotten in   the management and evaluation system, consequences can be dramatic for the business. â€Å"Our business is to create value for our stakeholders; our first job is to know who those stakeholders are and what they value in our performance† (FROST, 2000, p.31). The Performance Prism was created by Nelly and Adams (2000). These authors proposed the model from the premise that several approaches or methodologies for measuring performance have their own context; nonetheless, they all seek to measure performance. In this conte xt, these authors propose the Performance Prism, stating that it is a broader models, since it considers the five surfaces of a prism. According to Adams and Neely (2003), in the structure of the Performance Prism, stakeholder satisfaction, as well as its contributions act at the core of the search for success in an organization. For the authors, even though process perspectives, strategies and competencies are involved and serving as supporting perspectives to reach stakeholder satisfaction or receive their contribution, as shown in Figure 5, stakeholders are the focal point of Performance Prism. According to Neely, Adams, and Crowe (2001), the model has been applied in a real number of situations. It has also been used in mergers and acquisitions, aimed at improving these processes. Adams and  Neely (2006) understand that the Balanced Scorecard, proposed by Kaplan and Norton (1992), takes only three stakeholders into account: investors, clients and employees. The Performance Prism also considers employees, vendors, intermediaries, regulation authorities and the community. The model considers stakeholder satisfac tion and contribution in a unique way. Source: Adams and Neely (2003) Figure 5 – Performance Prism in action Since this model is derived from the process strategy, thus acknowledging the required competencies, the Performance Prism promotes a more comprehensive approach and stimulates views at a magnified angle, in other business dimensions, where possibly performance is missing in the measurement structure. The result is much more realistic for business leadership (ADAMS; NELLY, 2006). Each of the fine surfaces of the Performance Prism represents a key area crucial to success. The weight of each surface will depend on established strategic goals, such as cost reduction, brand increase, research synergies and others. Figure 6 presents the five surfaces of the Performance Prism model and its approaches. Each surface of the Prism must represent an approach perspective processes, strategies, competencies, contribution and stakeholder satisfaction – in performance measurement. Source: Adams and Neely (2006, p.2) Figure 6– The five surfaces of the Performance Prism model For Adams and Neely (2006), the following are fundamental questions that must be considered when approaching the Performance Prism: a) Who are our key stakeholders and what do they want and need? b) What strategies are we using to meet their needs and desires? c) What processes are needed to put them into practice and reach these strategies? d) What competencies are required to operate and augment these processes? e) What do we want and need from the stakeholders to maintain and develop these competencies? This way, the Performance Prism model, in addition to considering perspectives of processes, strategies and competencies, also considers stakeholders contribution and satisfaction. It focuses on stakeholders involved in the environment of an organization through five perspectives, considering stakeholders satisfaction, stakeholders contribution ad deriving objectives from this process strategy and evaluating inherent competencies to support them. 5. Final Considerations Through the approach mentioned here, developed using a bibliographic research on the theme, it is possible to see that the Performance Prism model is a new alternative as a performance measurement system within the current perspective, going beyond the financial approach. Compared to the Balanced Scorecard, a model widely used currently, the Performance Prism is different because it possesses a broader aspect regarding the considered stakeholders, who are also the core of the model. This model also has a cause-effect relationship structure that follows an orientation from stakeholders demand, over which the strategy is designed, driving processes and competencies for an organization that wants the satisfaction of these stakeholders. Because it is a more recent model, compared to others, consecrated by their application in organizations, the Performance Prism still does not represent a widely used model   worldwide. Nonetheless, it can contribute to organizations seeking changes in the way they manage performance, especially because most of the times, their stakeholders generate the sustainability of these organizations, thus  being only reasonable that are central to the organizational performance. As a recommendation for future studies, it is required to study the application of the Performance Prism in depth, allowing for a review of its adaptability and effectiveness in a larger set of organizations, since there are currently a few cases regarding the application of this model for measuring performance in literature. References ADAMS, Chris.; NEELY, Andy. Using the Performance Prism to Boost the Success of Mergers Acquisitions, Accenture, New York. In: . (out. 2006). ADAMS, Chris.; NEELY, Andy. The New Spectrum: How the Performance Prism Framework Helps, Business Performance Management, Norwalk, nov. 2003. In: . (jul.2007). BITITCI, Umit S.; CARRIE, Allan S.; MCDEVITT, Liam. Techniques integrated performance measurement systems: an audit and development guide. The TQM Magazine. v.9, n.1, p. 46-53, 1997. BOGAN, Christopher E.; ENGLISH, Michael J. Benchmarking: Aplicaà §Ãƒ µes prà ¡ticas e Melhoria Contà ­nua. Sà £o Paulo: Makron Books, 1997. CAVENAGHI, Vagner. Gestà £o do desempenho empresarial: A contribuià §Ãƒ £o da à ¡rea de manufatura. 2001. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia de Produà §Ãƒ £o) Programa de Pà ³sGraduaà §Ãƒ £o em Engenharia de Produà §Ãƒ £o, USP, Sà £o Paulo. CHIAVENATO, Idalberto; CERQUEIRA NETO, Edgar P. Administraà §Ãƒ £o Estratà ©gica: em busca do desempenho superior, uma abordagem alà ©m do Balanced Scorecard. Sà £o Paulo: Saraiva, 2003. CORRÊA, Henrique L.; CAON, Mauro. Gestà £o de Servià §os, Sà £o Paulo: Atlas, 2002. CORRÊA, Henrique L.; CORRÊA, Carlos A. Administraà §Ãƒ £o de Produà §Ãƒ £o e Operaà §Ãƒ µes: Manufatura e Servià §os: uma abordagem estratà ©gica. Sà £o Paulo: Atlas, 2005. DORNIER, Philippe-Pierre; ERNST, Ricardo; FENDER, Michel; KOUVELIS, Panos. Logà ­stica e Operaà §Ãƒ µes Globais: Textos e Casos. Sà £o Paulo: Atlas, 2000. DRUCKER, Peter F. The Information Executives Truly Need. In: Measuring Corporate Performance. Boston: Harvard Business Review, 1998. p. 1-24 ECCLES, Robert G. The Performance Measurement Manifesto. In: Measuring Corporate Performance. Boston: Harvard Business Review, 1998. p. 25-45. FROST, Bob. Measuring Performance, Dallas: Measurement International, 2000. KAPLAN, Robert S.; NORTON, David P. The Balanced Scorecard: measures that drive performance. Harvard Business Review. p. 71-79, january-february 1992. LEBAS, Michel J. Performance measurement and performance management. International Journal of Production Economics. v. 41, p. 23-35, 1995. MARTINS, Roberto A. Sistemas de Medià §Ãƒ £o de Desempenho: Um modelo para Estruturaà §Ãƒ £o do Uso. 1998. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia de Produà §Ãƒ £o) Programa de Pà ³sGraduaà §Ãƒ £o em Engenharia de Produà §Ãƒ £o, USP, Sà £o Pa ulo. MENDES, Dilermando P. O Balanced Scorecard como instrumento de avaliaà §Ãƒ £o do nà ­vel de desempenho logà ­stico em uma empresa de prestaà §Ãƒ £o de servià §os. 2002. Dissertaà §Ãƒ £o (Mestrado em Engenharia de Produà §Ãƒ £o) – Programa de Pà ³s-Graduaà §Ãƒ £o em Engenharia de Produà §Ãƒ £o, UFSC, Florianà ³polis. MIRANDA, Luis C.; GOMES DA SILVA, Josà © D. Medià §Ãƒ £o do Desempenho. In: SCHMIDT, Paulo (Org.) Controladoria: Agregando valor para a Empresa. Porto Alegre: Bookman, 2002. p. 131-153. NEELY, Andy; GREGORY, Mike; PLATTS, Ken. Performance measurement system design. International Journal of Operations Management. Cambridge, v.14, n.4, p. 81-114, 1995. NEELY, Andy; ADAMS, Chris. Perspectives on Performance: the performance prism. In: Handbook of Performance Measurement. London: Bouine, 2000. NEELY, Andy; ADAMS, Chris; CROWE; Paul. The Performance Prism in Practice. Measuring Business Excellence. v.5, n.2, p. 6-12, 2001. SIMONS, Robert; Dà VILA, Antà ´nio Medindo o Desempenho Empresarial. Rio de Janeiro: Harvard Business Review, Campus, 2000.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Significance of the Ghost to William Shakespeares Hamlet Essay

Significance of the Ghost to William Shakespeare's Hamlet In Shakespeare's 'Hamlet', the ghost plays a key role in influencing the destinies of the other characters. The ghost is important to the play as it symbolizes both fate and catalyses the plot. It also brings the play into the revenge tragedy genre, which allows foreshadowing to occur and helps the audience, both Elizabethan and contemporary to better understand the play and appreciate it. The late King Hamlet is forced to roam the earth as he was murdered before he could confess to his sins, having to remain in purgatory till his sins are washed from him and he is able to enter into heaven. Hamlet, the tragic hero of the play, and is influenced by the encounter with whom he believes to be his late father, the ghost. Hamlet was both horror-struck and mortified to hear of his father's betrayal. He immediately felt that he must avenge his father and this reveals the role of the ghost, who is able to affect the protagonist. Hamlet is instructed to punish Claudius, the late King Hamlet's brother and murderer. The ghost reveals that Claudius, by killing his own brother, has committed a, "murder most foul," and deserves to die. Written during the first part of the seventeenth century, the tragic endings of revenge plays were pre-ordained by the church and state expectations. Revenge was deemed acceptable only if the avenger died at the end of the play. Only by dying could someone be forgiven for the immoral and illegal act of revenge. Hamlet is placed in this situation by the ghost, who orders him to act against his conscience, and the diametrically opposed commands paralyze hi... ... that the ghost is simply a convention of Elizabethan drama, but although the ghost motif had been used in many dramas of the period, none appeared so ambiguous as the ghost of King Hamlet. This essay illustrates that here may be many interpretations of the ghost, and that these different aspects may affect our understanding of the play. The dual nature of the ghost is reflective of the dual nature of man. The ghost's ambiguities are essential in heightening the tragic element of the play. In embracing the ghost, Hamlet embraces both good and evil. Bibliography www.vccslitonline.cc.va.us/HamletForum/_hamletforum/000002e8.htm www.clicknotes.com/hamlet/Ghost.html www.culturewars.com/CultureWars/2000/June/hamlet.html www.hf.ntnu.no/engelsk/shakespeare/ham.htm www.findfreeessays.com/show_essay/4873.html

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Welfare: Who Does It Benefit

What happens if someone was to lose their job? What happens if there is not enough money at the end of the month? What happens if someone does not have enough money to feed their children? Luckily, there is a program that can help these people that fit in these categories. The name of this program is called The Welfare Reform. Being on welfare is nothing to be ashamed of. Many people feel that welfare benefits the poor, but that is not true at all. Welfare benefits those who are in need of it. In today’s economy, millions of former CEOs, presidents of companies, and business owners are now suffering severe pay cuts.Now, they may not be able support their families financially like they use to. They might have to turn to being on welfare to help their families. This example shows that welfare not only helps the less fortunate, but it helps everyone in need. My primary focus of this paper is to illustrate how welfare helps everyone, and it is nothing to be embarrassed about. Welf are Reform: The Untold Story was a very informative article about the use of the welfare reform. This article discussed the problems with the welfare legislation.It talks about how some people are abusing the welfare system. Also, it talks about how the welfare system has helped other major programs. A program that has been helped by the Welfare Reform is the funding of child care. It talks about what prompted the need of the Welfare Reform. It provides data on how long people are usually on welfare. The article talks about how minimum wage, child support, and a rise in income tax credit have benefited the people on welfare. The article also explains why numerous people on welfare got off the program.It talks about how welfare has affected teen pregnancy. Finally, it gives the reader the advantages and disadvantages brought by the Welfare Reform. Robert Cherry stated that, â€Å"But the strong economy and funding provisions of welfare legislation led almost all states to enhance ch ild care funding, provide tax subsidies to supplement wages, and to fund educational initiatives† (Cherry 79). In this statement alone can answer my soul purpose of the paper. That purpose was does the Welfare Reform benefit the poor? This statement gives the answer as yes, but while doing so; the WelfareReform has helped millions of people who are not poor. Another great point Robert Cherry made was, â€Å"During the economic expansion, the vast majority of welfare leavers found paid employment† (Cherry 81). This explains, while the economy is doing great; there are numerous people that are on welfare who are getting off. To go a little further, if the economy is not doing well, this is what caused people to turn towards welfare. Once again, this has supported the idea that welfare does not just benefit the less fortunate. Has the Welfare Reform benefited the poor?Yes, but while the reform was geared toward the people who fit the poor profile, however, it has benefited the very people who look down on welfare. Single working mothers are a group that does not fit the poor profile, but the Welfare Reform has helped them tremendously. Robert Cherry supported my claim by saying, â€Å"Today, if a single mother with two children earns $13,000, she qualifies for an earned income tax credit (EITC) of $4,000 at the federal level, and $900 at the state level in a number of states†(Cherry 81). With the tax credit, which is a part of the Welfare Reform; their yearly income has risen to over $ 17,000.The book Evaluating Food Assistance Programs in an Era of Welfare Reform: Summary of a Workshop gives information that many Americans do not know about. The book talks about the different programs that are within the Welfare Reform. It also talks about the work requirements that come with being on welfare. It also discusses the funds that are set aside for welfare. To elaborate on the different programs, the book not only gives us the names of the program , but the book goes in detail pertaining to the programs. The book talks about the research that was needed, so that there could be improvements for welfare.The editors discussed a program called the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act. â€Å"PRWORA emphasizes welfare to work concept, including time limits for assistance, strong work requirements, a performance bonus to reward states for moving welfare recipients into jobs, and increased funding for child care† (Evaluating vii). This shows that welfare does not mean taking care of lazy people. It is also saying that the states would benefit from those on welfare. This program gears to help people work, and to take care of themselves, so that is why there is a limit for assistance.The Food and Nutrition Service serves an enormous part to the Welfare Reform. The editors stated, â€Å"Today, the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) of the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) administers 15 food assista nce programs. These programs feed one in six Americans, serving as a natural nutrition safety net for millions of children, working families, and elderly† (Evaluating 1). This material proves that people, who work still, need some assistance. It shows that this program feeds not only the less fortune, but it feeds working Americans also.It also shows that welfare knows no upper, middle, or lower class, but it helps Americans as a whole. I know there has been a previous attempt to help people in need, but that did not work because how the money was distributed to the families. The editors supported my claim by saying, â€Å"The previous program, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), provided cash assistance directly to children and their families based on need, income, resources, family size, and family structure† (Evaluating 1). The problem with this program was because the cash was given directly to the families.This maybe the reason why many Americans starte d to believe welfare was a waste of money, and the money was not used for the right reasons. This also caused them to use stricter requirements, and caused PRWORA to come up with something else to replace the flaws. â€Å"PRWORA replaced AFDC with the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, which provides assistance and work opportunities to needy families by granting states the federal funds and wide flexibility to develop and implement their own welfare program† (Evaluating 1).The article Welfare Reform and Family Expenditures: How Are Single Mothers Adapting to the New Welfare and Work Regime provided information that I did not know. The article talks about the public welfare. It also put a light on single parents, but mainly the focus is on single mothers. The article gives graphs that illustrate single mother families, which the mother only has, a high school diploma. The graph also showed what kind of income was expected, depending on the other levels of education. The article also displays the xpenses of the needs needed in everyday life. The article also gives the reader a descriptive and multivariate analysis about expenditures. The authors stated that, â€Å"According to the U. S. Census Bureau (nd), the poverty rate among children in single-mother families declined from 54 percent in 1993 to 43 percent in 2005. This decline is due part to the economic boom of the 1900s and in part to such other factors as changes in tax and transfers programs† (Welfare Reform 371). This shows that while the economy is doing well, the poverty rate drops.This also shows that just because someone is living in a single parent home; it does not mean that they will be living inn poverty. I truly believe that the Welfare Reform does not encourage the welfare recipients to be on welfare. The authors supported my belief by saying, â€Å"A spate of policy changes in the 1990s shifted the focus of U. S. welfare policy from providing cash benefits for low-income single mothers to providing work incentives, and a range of supports for the working poor† (Welfare Reform 371).The government knows that life can be hard, and that is why the government created the Welfare Reform. The government encourages people to work, and to look for jobs. That is why government is making the attempt to provide help for those who need it. However, there is another side to the story. Receivers of welfare as a child has a negative outcome on the money earned as adults. People believe that the more welfare a young male receives as a child, the lower the same boy income will be as an adult.Living in a single-parent household while on welfare, the more likely a person is to have a criminal record. Also, many believe that children in households with higher income will do better in life. Some Americans believe that welfare encourages illegitimacy, and reducing illegitimacy is a more important goal in the Welfare Reform, than attempting to make si ngle mothers self-sufficient. It has been said that modern welfare is deeply flawed and misleading, and has become a recipe for a disastrous system of aid which harms rather than helps.Many believe that welfare reduces the work effort, promotes illegitimacy, and poverty prone single parent families. There are advantages and disadvantages about the Welfare Reform, but I truly believe that the good outweigh the bad. Millions have moved from welfare to work, and this absolute proof that welfare works for the better. But some critics does not believe that because they say a lot less people are receiving cash benefits, but a lot more have signed up for other programs, including food stamps, Medicaid, and disability benefits.Being on welfare does not determine what you will become in life. The Welfare Reform provides too many benefits for everyone; however, it is looked down by many of critics. Being realistic, everyone does not graduate from high school and college, for many different re asons; however, they do not need to suffer for that. Welfare is essential for providing aid for children. The true beneficiary of the Welfare reform is not the poor, but it is the children of America.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Aetiology Of Rotator Cuff Tear Health And Social Care Essay

Throwing jocks are prone to shoulder hurts as a consequence of the high forces placed on the shoulder during the throwing gesture ( Sepp Braun et Al. 2009 ) . The rotator turnup is made up of four sinews that emerge from the shoulder blade and connect to the caput of the humerus. Their map is to stabilise the shoulder. A rotator turnup tear can happen as a consequence from insistent throwing, emphasizing the rotator turnup sinews and bad technique. The hurt in baseball hurlers constitutes a tear in either sinew ( the subscapularis or the supraspinatus ) which are both impinged during the throwing gesture. In this essay I am traveling to depict two mechanisms, one three manner mechanism and one two manner mechanism of how a rotator turnup tear would come about. A three manner disciplinary hurt mechanism could come about get downing with a baseball participant being psychologically excessively mentally tough. While mental stamina can be a great feature in an jock it can besides be damaging to their wellness during athletics. It is an jock ‘s ability to continue when stressors are moving on their head and organic structure but they need to cognize their ain bounds and when it is appropriate to halt for their ain wellness and safety. In the ESPN the Magazine ( May 16, 2011 ) an article was released look intoing the exposures to injury that some jocks have chosen to confront to accomplish their end. There are many illustrations over the old ages were jocks have chosen to disregard warning marks refering their safeness and in some instances have become awfully injured. Socio-cultural factors express attitudes and features that are frequently observed in jocks that promote mental stamina. For illustration attitudes that digesting hurting shows Fe will and strength and reluctance to seek medical aid from fright of being seen as weak ( Wiese-Bjornstal and Shaffer, 1999 ) . Mental stamina can be instilled in an jock through constructing their assurance utilizing challenges and support. This may be from parents, friends or their manager. Most jocks are rewarded for ‘being tough ‘ which enforces the thought that mental stamina is a valuable property and many jocks live by the well-known stating â€Å" No hurting, no addition † . When an athlete becomes excessively mentally tough they may set themselves in danger of hurt. Baseball hurlers need to develop and play, each throw seting huge force on the rotator turnup musculuss of the shoulder. Mental stamina can do a hurler to transport on throwing even when his rotator turnup musculuss are fatigued. The hurler may non cognize of the dangers that he/she is confronting if their shoulder begins to hurt.— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — â₠¬â€ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —Rotator turnup cryings in hurlers are the consequence of a chronic tear from insistent throwing gesture which impinges one of both of the 2 of the four sinews ( the subscapularis or the supraspinatus ) . If the musculus becomes fatigued so its strength and the force it can use are weakened. ( Carsten Juel, 2006 ) Fatigue is a multifactorial state of affairs and that the confining factors may change with force strength, exercising continuance and musculus type. Coevals of metabolites in the fibers can step in with the release of ca2+ to excite contraction and inhibit reactions in the fibers. Metabolites such as Hydrogen ions ( H+ ) can do the intracellular fluid ( cytosol ) of the cell to go acidic ; this inhibits enzyme activity for bring forthing energy. H+ ions are used in the Creatine Kinase ( CK ) reaction and will displace this reaction to favor PCr dislocation. They besides inhibit Phosphofructokinase which phosphorylates fructose in glycolysis. H+ ions may besides lend to tire via: supplanting of ca2+ from adhering with troponin C, stimulation of hurting receptors in musculus ( could do negative feedback mechanism ) , decelerating the release of ADP from myosin ATPase. Although recent research has shown that intracellular acidosis may really heighten the ability of the T-tubule system to transport on action potencies during weariness ( Pederson et al, 2004 ) . Pederson et Al, Intracellular acidosis enhances the irritability of working musculus. Science 305:1144-1147, 2004 Other subscribers to increased H+ degrees are a decrease of intracellular [ K+ ] , synthesis of CP, and the buffering of CO2 produced in the chondriosome. Intracellular chloride can roll up and do little stimulations which make the fibers contract ( vellication of the musculus ) ; this has the consequence of cut downing the force of voluntary contractions. Potassium ( K+ ) released from action potencies can suppress the release of ca2+ when it builds up around the musculus fiber and in the T-tubule. The K+ changes the electric gradient around the fiber and causes a lessening in the release of ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic Reticulum into the myoplasm. Ca2+ within the myoplasm binds to troponin C, instigates motion of tropomyosin, and allows the cycling of cross Bridgess, which finally result in force development ( Allen et al, 2008 ) . Therefore amplitude of contractions will be reduced if there is less ca2+ to adhere to troponin C. If there is less ca2+ this besides allows for more H+ ions to adhere to troponin C, doing weariness. There are besides effects to muscle weariness concerned with the balance between K+ and Na ( Na+ ) but these take topographic point outside of the musculus fibers in the nervousnesss that innervate the fibers. Substrates within musculus cells normally serve as an energy supply for the cell. Substrates such as ATP, animal starch and creatine phosphate are depleted during exercising. When animal starch is used to bring forth energy lactate and H+ ions are produced as a byproduct. These H+ ions create an acidic environment in the cell that non merely inhibits the action of enzymes but besides block nervus signals from the encephalon. If there is non a sufficient O supply to take the H+ ions so fatigue will put in and the musculus will hold to decelerate down to let oxygenated blood to take the them. If there is non sufficient O so pyruvic acid ( besides a byproduct of glycolysis ) will accept H+ to organize lactic acid which is a well-known term used my jocks and managers. All of these factors I have merely talked about can do weariness. If the musculus begins to go fatigued the cross-bridge rhythm will non be working to its full consequence. This means when the rotator turnup musculuss are used to decelerate the arm down in the slowing phase the actin within the musculus fibers will non be able to adhere to the myosin as strongly. This locking mechanism is critical for keeping the musculus and doing certain that it does non stretch past its tensile strength which would do harm to the tissue ( micro cryings ) .— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —During throwing there are strong musculuss on the anterior plane of the shoulder ( pectoralis major, teres major, latissimus dorsi, subscapularis ) executing internal rotary motion of the humerus ( upwards of 7000 grades a 2nd ) ( Dillman et al, 1993 ) . It is estimated that merely half the force generated is produced from the shoulder, the other half is produced by the lower limbs and bole and travels through a kinetic concatenation to the upper limb. There are five stages of throwing which are wind-up, cocking, acceleration, slowing, and follow-through. There are about 200 grades rotary motion in the humerus during throwing ( 90 external and 110 internal ) so this velocity needs to be decelerated in a really short period of clip. ( Sepp Braun et Al. 2009 ) Show that the continuance of the acceleration stage, is merely 0.05 2nd, the greatest angular speeds and the largest alteration in rotary motion occur during this stage. While the concluding two stages, slowing and follow through last for around 0.35 seconds. In concurrence with this statement Kirchhoff and Imhoff 2010, have shown that in the slowing phase the compressive forces created by the rotator turnup is on norm around 1090 N and shear forces are created on the posterior plane of around 400 N. The rotator turnup musculuss do non hold great endurance and are far weaker than the musculuss on the anterior plane of the shoulder, so it is easy to see how cryings could develop. The supraspinatus is normally the musculus that is torn in baseball hurlers. This is because it is non considered an external rotator ; its chief map is to kidnap the arm. Due to its place it takes the initial strain of the stretch with internal rotary motion. It originates on the top of the shoulder blade to its interpolation on the greater tubercle of the humerus so it is easy to see how it is pulled when maximum internal rotary motion is exceeded. The tensile and shear forces placed on the musculus combine to do a tear to get down. Insistent usage of the rotator turnup musculuss to slow the throwing force can do micro cryings in the musculuss. These micro cryings can increase in figure if the rate of tissue dislocation exceeds the rate at which the organic structure can replace the damaged tissue. Reasoning the information I have provided above, it can been learned that the aetiology of rotator turnup cryings can affect a figure of subjects. This is merely one of the many fluctuations of subjects that work together to do the hurt. Mental stamina has caused a hurler to disregard marks of hurt in the shoulder, after uninterrupted throwing the forces moving on the musculuss fatigue the musculuss and do micro cryings which can develop into big painfull tear.— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — –A two manner disciplinary hurt mechanism could come about get down ing with a baseball hurler under psychological emphasis. Stress is a reaction by the organic structure when the individual feels under force per unit area or overwhelmed by something in the environment around them. It is caused by two things, whether the individual thinks the anxiousness is needed in the state of affairs and how their organic structure reacts to certain cognitive and thought procedures. If a baseball hurler is under emphasis this can do tenseness within the shoulder musculuss. Emotional emphasis can be caused by a figure of things such as jobs at work or a feverish agenda. Hans Selye ‘s GAS ( General Adaptation Syndrome ) theory from 1936 suggests that when emphasis is place upon a individual the individual undergoes 3 phases. The phases are alarm reaction, the phase of opposition and the phase of exhaustion. The dismay phase is described as an acute phase were the cardinal nervous system sends out signals to assorted countries of the organic structure to originate the â€Å" battle or flight responses † . The phase of opposition is when the organic structure begins to reconstruct homeostasis back to normal degrees or if the nerve-racking conditions continue the organic structure adapts and remains in a province of rousing. Lastly is the exhaustion phase, this is when the organic structure ‘s ability to defy the stressors has failed because its energy supply has gone. This is frequently referred to as adrenal weariness or overload. Findingss from research lab experiments ( Forsman et al. , 2002 ; Larsson et al. , 1995 ) show that non merely physical demands but besides cognitive factors and mental emphasis may bring on musculus tenseness. Small, low-threshold motor units are recruited at low degrees of contraction, before larger 1s, and are kept activated until complete relaxation of the musculus. If these recruited motor units are non relieved of their tenseness via exercising or massage etc harm to the motor nerve cells can happen ( Sjogaard et al. , 2000 ) . Therefore long permanent psychological emphasis may maintain low-threshold motor units active causing harm. An experiment ( Lundberg, Forsman et al. , 2002 ) utilizing intra-muscular recordings showed that these low threshold motor units can be activated by mental emphasis aswell as physical emphasis in the trapezius musculus. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.macses.ucsf.edu/research/allostatic/muscle.php # psychobiological Stress can do the baseball hurler to keep their shoulders in an unnatural defensive stance which creates tenseness. When a individual becomes under menace norepinephrine is released from the encephalon as portion of the â€Å" battle or flight † mechanism, this endocrine induced tenseness in the musculuss. If this tenseness is non relieved from the musculuss the musculuss will go stiff and will non hold their full scope of motion.— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — –If the shoulder does non hold full scope of motion because it is tense, its snap will be r educed as the musculus attempts to keep its ego in a inactive province. Every tissue has an elastic bound, this is described as the maximal burden that a stuff can prolong without lasting distortion or harm. Elasticity is needed to convey a musculus back to its normal length after it has been stretched out. Decreased snap can besides do stiffness in the musculus. Hill ( 1968 ) has provided grounds that in normal resting musculus cells, a little grade of cross-bridge interaction occurs and moderate cross-bride interaction occurs in tense musculus. This interaction must lend to evident musculus stiffness and loss of snap. If the hurler has a stiff shoulder with decreased elastic capacity, when they carry out the sequence of throwing stages the musculus will non shorten back to its original length every bit rapidly as when it is non tense. Repeatedly throwing will get down to weaken the musculus even further and the musculus will go even stiffer to seek and protect its ego from over stretching. This alone could do cryings in the musculus. The hurler may disregard the stiffness and seek to work the musculus harder to antagonize the fact that the musculus is stiffening its ego. The hurler will damage the tissues if they carry on and micro cryings will develop which could increase in figure and do one big tear. hypertext transfer protocol: //fionastefani.hubpages.com/hub/PhysiologyofStress In baseball hurlers, the overload of pitching has been linked with hurt and redness of the musculuss of the shoulder girdle composite. Pappas, A.M. , R.M. Zawacki, C.F. McCarthy. 1985. Rehabilitation of the fliping shoulder American Journal of Sports Medicine 13:223-235. Dillman CJ, Fleisig GS, Andrews JR. Biomechanics of fliping with accent upon shoulder kinematics. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 1993 ; 18:402-8.— — — — — — — — –Int Orthop. 2010 October ; 34 ( 7 ) : 1049-1058. Published on-line 2010 May 19. Department of the Interior: 10.1007/s00264-010-1038-0 PMCID: PMC29890322.Posterosuperior and anterosuperior encroachment of the shoulder in overhead athletes-evolving constructsChlodwig Kirchhoff and Andreas B. Imhoff— — — — — — — — — — —3.Skeletal Muscle Fatigue: Cellular MechanismsD. G. Allen, G. D. Lamb, and H. Westerblad Department of the Interior: 10.aˆâ€ ¹1152/aˆâ€ ¹physrev.aˆâ€ ¹00015.aˆâ€ ¹2007 Physiol Rev January 2008 vol. 88 no. 1 287-332

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Frankenstein Themes, Symbols, and Literary Devices

Frankenstein Themes, Symbols, and Literary Devices Mary Shelleys Frankenstein is a 19th-century epistolary novel associated with both the Romantic and the Gothic genres. The novel, which follows a scientist named Frankenstein and the horrifying creature he creates, explores the pursuit of knowledge and its consequences, as well as the human desire for connection and community. Shelley depicts these themes against the backdrop of a sublime natural world and reinforces them using symbolism. Pursuit of Knowledge Shelley wrote Frankenstein in the midst of the Industrial Revolution, when major breakthroughs in technology were transforming society. One of the central themes in the novel- man’s pursuit of knowledge and scientific discovery- explores the subsequent anxieties of this period. Frankenstein is obsessed with uncovering the secrets of life and death with ruthless ambition; he disregards his family and ignores all affection as he pursues his studies. His academic trajectory in the novel seems to mirror mankind’s scientific history, as Frankenstein begins with the medieval philosophies of alchemy, then moves on to the modern practices of chemistry and mathematics at university. Frankensteins efforts lead him to discover of the cause of life, but the fruit of his pursuit is not positive. Rather, his creation only brings sadness, misfortune, and death. The creature Frankenstein produces is an embodiment of man’s scientific enlightenment: not beautiful, as Frankenstein thought he would be, but vulgar and horrifying. Frankenstein is filled with disgust at his creation and falls sick for months as a result. Catastrophe surrounds the creature, who directly kills Frankenstein’s brother William, his wife Elizabeth, and his friend Clerval, and indirectly ends the life of Justine. In his search for the root of human life, Frankenstein created a deformed simulacrum of man, privy to all the usual human degradations. With the disastrous consequences of Frankenstein’s achievement, Shelley seems to raise the question: does merciless pursuit of knowledge ultimately cause more harm than good to humankind? Frankenstein presents his story to Captain Walton as a warning for others who wish, like he did, to be greater than nature intended. His story illustrates the downfall caused by human hubris. At the end of the novel, Captain Walton appears to heed to the lesson in Frankenstein’s story, as he calls off his dangerous exploration to the North Pole. He turns away from the possible glory of scientific discovery in order to save his own life, as well as the lives of his crewmen. Importance of Family In opposition to the pursuit of knowledge is the pursuit of love, community, and family. This theme is most clearly expressed through the creature, whose singular motivation is to seek human compassion and companionship. Frankenstein isolates himself, puts aside his family, and ultimately loses those dearest to him, all for his scientific ambition. The creature, on the other hand, wants precisely what Frankenstein has turned away. He especially wishes to be embraced by the De Lacey family, but his monstrous physique bars him from acceptance. He confronts Frankenstein to ask for a female companion, but is betrayed and cast away. It is this isolation that drives the creature to seek revenge and kill. Without Frankenstein, his proxy for a â€Å"father,† the creature is essentially alone in the world, an experience that ultimately turns him into the monster he appears to be. A scene from the 1931 film adaptation of Frankenstein.. Archive Photos / Getty Images There are multiple orphans in the novel. Both the Frankenstein family and the De Lacey family take in outsiders (Elizabeth and Safie respectively) to love as their own. But these characters are markedly dissimilar to the creature, as they are both nurturing, matriarchal figures to fill in for the absence of mothers. Family may be the primary source for love, and a powerful source for purpose in life at odds with the ambition for scientific knowledge, but it is nevertheless presented as a dynamic in conflict. Throughout the novel, family is an entity fraught with the potential for loss, suffering, and hostility. The Frankenstein family is torn apart by revenge and ambition, and even the idyllic De Lacey family is marked by poverty, the absence of a mother, and a lack of compassion as they turn the creature away. Shelley presents family as an important means for love and purpose, but she also depicts the familial bond as complicated and perhaps impossible to achieve. Nature and the Sublime The tension between the pursuit of knowledge and the pursuit of belonging play out against the background of sublime nature. The sublime is an aesthetic, literary and philosophical concept of the Romantic period that encapsulates the experience of awe in the face of the natural world’s extreme beauty and greatness. The novel opens with Walton’s expedition to the North Pole, then moves through the mountains of Europe with the narratives of Frankenstein and the creature. These desolate landscapes mirror the problems of human life. Frankenstein climbs Montanvert as a way to clear his mind and minimize his human sorrows. The monster runs to the mountains and glaciers as refuge from civilization and all its human fallibilities, which cannot accept him for his faà §ade. Nature is also presented as the ultimate wielder of life and death, greater even than Frankenstein and his discoveries. Nature is what ultimately kills both Frankenstein and his creature as they chase after one another further into the icy wilderness. The sublime uninhabited terrains, of equal beauty and terror, frame the novel’s confrontations with humanity so that they underline the vastness of the human soul. Symbolism of Light One of the most important symbols in the novel is light. Light is tied to the theme of knowledge as enlightenment, as both Captain Walton and Frankenstein search for illumination in their scientific pursuits. The creature, by contrast, is doomed to spend much of his life in darkness, able to walk around only at night so that he may hide from humans. The idea of light as a symbol for knowledge also refers back to Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, in which darkness symbolizes ignorance and the sun symbolizes truth. The symbolism of light arises when the creature burns himself in the embers of an abandoned campfire. In this instance, fire is both a source of comfort and danger, and it brings the creature closer to the contradictions of civilization. This use of fire links the novel with the myth of Prometheus: Prometheus stole fire from the gods to aid in humankind’s advancement, but was eternally punished by Zeus for his actions. Frankenstein similarly took a kind of ‘fire’ for himself, by harnessing a power not otherwise known to mankind, and is forced to repent for his actions. Throughout the novel, light refers to knowledge and power and weaves in myths and allegories to make these concepts more complex- calling into question whether enlightenment for humankind is possible to achieve, and whether or not it should even be pursued. Symbolism of Texts The novel is filled with texts, as sources of communication, truth, and education, and as a testament to human nature. Letters were a ubiquitous source of communication during the 19th century, and in the novel, they are used to express innermost feelings. For example, Elizabeth and Frankenstein confess their love for one another through letters. Letters are also used as proof, as when the creature copies Safie’s letters explaining her situation, in order to validate his tale to Frankenstein. Books also play an important role in the novel, as the origin of the creature’s understanding of the world. Through reading Paradise Lost, Plutarch’s Lives and the Sorrows of Werter, he learns to understand the De Lacey’s and becomes articulate himself. But these texts also teach him how to sympathize with others, as he realizes his own thoughts and feelings through the characters in the books. Likewise, in Frankenstein, texts are able to portray the more intimate, emotional truths of the characters in ways that other forms of communication and knowledge cannot. The Epistolary Form Letters are also important to the novels structure. Frankenstein is constructed as a nest of stories told in epistolary form. (An epistolary novel is one told through fictional documents, such as letters, diary entries, or newspaper clippings.) The novel opens with Walton’s letters to his sister and later includes the first-person accounts of Frankenstein and the creature. Because of this format, the reader is privy to the thoughts and emotions of each individual character, and is able to sympathize with each one. That sympathy extends even to the creature, with whom none of the characters within the book sympathize. In this way, Frankenstein as a whole serves to demonstrate the power of narration, because the reader is able to develop sympathy for the monster through his first-person storytelling.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Getting Published on Kindle

Getting Published on Kindle Getting Published on Kindle Getting Published on Kindle By Simon Kewin Getting your work published onto Amazon’s Kindle eReader is really very easy.   Perhaps you’re a writer interested in self-publishing some of your work. Or you might simply want to learn more about the ePublishing revolution and how to get involved. In either case, doing so is actually very straightforward. Since January this year, Amazon’s Digital Text Platform (DTP) has been available in all countries, allowing you to upload your work and publish it in Amazon’s Kindle store. And since there are estimated to be 1.5 million Kindles in use, this represents a large potential market.   To get started you just need a standard customer Amazon account. You sign in with this at the DTP site and from there start uploading. You provide your manuscript in Microsoft Word or HTML format and Amazon will automatically convert it into the format used by the Kindle. You also need to provide some extra information about your work : title, description, language, keywords, categories, price, publishing date   and so forth. You also have the option of providing some cover artwork, which is recommended as it will make your published work much more eye-catching.   The whole process of providing these details is slick and friendly. There is also a lot of help available if you get stuck, in the form of FAQs and forums. You don’t have to get everything right first time. You can preview what you’ve uploaded, tweak things and then, when you’re happy with everything, click Publish. Doing so costs you nothing – although Amazon will take a cut of any sales you make.   It can take a day or two for your work to finally appear in the Amazon store, but once it’s there customers can start buying it for their Kindles. Each work gets its own page on the Amazon site, complete with all the usual options such as reader reviews and ratings.   In fact, publishing your work onto the Kindle is the easy part. The hard part is attracting potential readers to your work. Amazon’s system helps in that the description and categories you provide make it easier for potential readers to find you. However, to attract many readers, you will have to put effort into publicizing your work yourself.   Whether or not â€Å"self-publishing† (or, as some prefer to call it, â€Å"indie publishing†) like this is a sensible move for you as a writer is something only you can decide. You should be aware that a conventional publisher probably wouldn’t be interested in handling a book that has already been self-published in this way as first publication rights wouldn’t be available. But you might think it’s worthwhile to self-publish some pieces of work in the hope of building up a readership interested in finding out more about you and your other work.    This article only covers the Amazon Kindle and there are, of course, other eReaders out there (the iPhone, for instance). There are other services on the web, similar to Amazon’s, that allow you to self-publish your work for these other devices. But Amazon’s DTP provides a good place to start if you’re interested in exploring the world of ePublishing. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:English Grammar 101: All You Need to KnowHow to spell "in lieu of"Kn- Words in English

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Prove an Argument Invalid by a Counterexample

How to Prove an Argument Invalid by a Counterexample An argument is invalid if the conclusion doesnt follow necessarily from the premises.  Whether or not the premises are actually true is irrelevant.  So is whether or not the conclusion is true.  The only question that matters is this: Is it  possible  for the premises to be true and the conclusion false?  If this is possible, then the argument is invalid. Proving Invalidity: a Two-step Process The counterexample method is a powerful way of exposing what is wrong with an argument that is invalid.  If we want to proceed methodically, there are two steps: 1) Isolate the argument form; 2) Construct  an argument with the same form that is obviously invalid. This is the counterexample. Lets take an example of a bad argument. Some New Yorkers are rude.Some New Yorkers are artists.Therefore Some artists are rude. Step 1: Isolate the Argument Form This simply means replacing the key terms with  letters, making sure that we do this in a consistent way.  If we do this we get: Some N  are RSome N are ATherefore some A are R Step 2: Create the counterexample For instance: Some animals are fish.Some animals are birds.Therefore some fish are birds This is what is called a substitution instance of the argument form laid out in Step 1.  There is an infinite number of these that one could dream up.  Every one of them will be invalid since the argument form is invalid.  But for a counterexample to be effective, the invalidity must shine forth.  That is, the truth of the premises and the falsity of the conclusion must be beyond question. Consider this substitution instance: Some men are politiciansSome men are Olympic championsTherefore some politicians  are Olympic champions. The weakness of this attempted counterexample is that the conclusion isnt obviously false.  It may be false right now, but one can easily imagine an Olympic champion going into politics. Isolating the argument form is like boiling an argument down to its bare bonesits logical form.  When we did this above, we replaced specific terms like New Yorker with letters.  Sometimes, though, the argument for is revealed by using letters to replace whole sentences or sentence-like phrases. Consider this argument, for instance: If it rains on election day the Democrats will win.It wont rain on election day.Therefore the Democrats wont win. This is a perfect example of a fallacy known as affirming the antecedent.  Reducing the argument  to its argument form, we get: If R then DNot RTherefore not D Here, the letters dont stand for descriptive words like rude or artist. Instead, they stand for an expression like, the Democrats will win and it will rain on election day.  These expressions can themselves be either true or false.  But the basic method is the same. We show the argument s invalid by coming up with a substitution instance where the premises are obviously true and the conclusion is obviously false.  For instance: If Obama is older than  90, then hes older than 9.Obama is not older than 90.Therefore Obama is not older than 9. The counterexample method is effective at exposing the invalidity of deductive arguments.  It doesnt really work on inductive arguments since, strictly speaking, these are always invalid.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Multinational corporations and sweatshops Essay

Multinational corporations and sweatshops - Essay Example In addition, they expect the suppliers in developing countries to produce quality products within a short time or precise delivery schedule (Maitland 120). This is a trend that has been observed with nearly all multinational corporations across the globe. Indeed, in recent years these companies have forgotten about manufacturing; instead, their focus is on marketing and product designing. The labor and human rights activists have criticized this contracting arrangement. They have argued that these corporations are exploiting workers and thereby promote international sweatshops. The critics have cited a number of areas of exploitation which makes them believe that the corporations contribute to difficult and dangerous environment for workers. For example, they have pointed out that the sweatshop workers work for very long hours but with minimal pay, albeit well defined laws on minimum wage and overtime pay. Moreover, the sweatshop workers might violate the child labor laws which are h ighly defined and outlined. On some occasions, sweatshops may promote hazardous situations and materials. In addition, in a sweatshop setup, the employer can choose to abuse the employees without easy ways for employees’ protection.These have prompted arguments on whether corporations have minimum obligations, at most merely complying with the host country laws, or further have negative obligations to respect human rights and finally, whether they should have positive obligations to promote just background institutions. However, based on the critics discussed above, I can argue that the disagreement concerning the social responsibilities of the multinational corporations should not continue. Instead, the multinational corporations should have positive obligations to promote just backgrounds. Body Multinational companies must promote just backgrounds and ensure that their international workers enjoy a favorable work environment. They must also play major roles in ensuring that human rights activists are heard and that their international corporations also enjoy their human rights. Therefore, the multinational corporations should identify contracting practices that, if implemented, will prevent the repressive regimes that make working difficult. To start off, these corporations must ensure that the current labor standards are satisfactory to the workers and that their rights to join the labor force are fostered. These ideals cannot be achieved if the corporations continue with their current contracting practices. For instance, Kathie Lee Gifford’s clothing line cannot continue using 13 and 14 year old children to work for 20 hours a day in their factories (Maitland 120). According to Charles Kernaghnan who worked with the National Labor Coalition, these contracting practices by Kathie Lee Gilford’s company promoted child labor violations in Honduras, yet there are established child labor laws and standards. Kernigan found out that the same c ontracting practices are found nearly in every developing country. He further explained that the same child and labor abuse in Honduras is widespread in Central America and Africa. To improve these contracting practices, labor and human rights activists have identified that all multinational corporations have a public image that they always want to protect. For this reason, Monshipouri found that they have

Friday, October 18, 2019

Health Administarion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 20

Health Administarion - Essay Example As nurses require good knowledge regarding human body and medications, it is essential that they must get trained by instructors having great expertise in the field. For a nurse, a patient should be someone very important to him/her. Obviously, it is from their preceptors that the novice nurses must learn such values. In other words, nurses can acquire the required level of knowledge to work well in the healthcare sector only if they are trained by proficient academicians. Visual media and powerpoint have greatly enhanced the ease of teaching. Using video clips, animations and presentations are handy in conveying certain topics to the students. When it comes to learning topics like internal organs, visual media can provide an aid in imparting the concept to students rather than explaining it verbally. It also saves a lot of time by relieving instructors from preparing bulky lecture notes. Powerpoint makes it possible for them to add photos, videos and audio clips to their notes. Therefore, instructors get a single platform through which they can supply study materials in different forms. Internet helps them clarify doubts by interacting with experts from various parts of the world. However, putting multimedia in the first priority in teaching is not a laudable practice; it should act only as a reference aid and teaching should definitely be done by the

Develop a Mission Statement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Develop a Mission Statement - Assignment Example This 11-words mission statement provides a succinct description about its mission that it proposes for 2015. As Blythe, Zimmerman and Zimmerman (2005, p. 34) pointed, a mission statement gives clear expression to what is to be achieved by the company, in what manner it will be achieved and why this is worth achieving. Hilton is currently the fourth largest hotel chain just behind intercontinental Wyndham and Marriot international. Hilton plans to beat its competitors by 2015 with its new mission to reach wider population by helping its customers entertain to rejoice evermore. For this target to be accomplished, the company would thrive on innovation and invest extensively on technology to bring latest technology advantages to hospitality arrangements. Though ‘technology’ brings everything customers want, still people are always very likely to entertain with ‘nature’. In order to satisfy customers who are concerned about nature as well, Hilton proposes to align technology to nature, and facilitate traditional natural amusements and leisure parks with any latest and highly sophisticated technology advances that Hilton can reach at. As its mission illustrates, Hilton ultimately looks at customers to fulfill meeting of varying requirements of customers in regard to entertainment with technology and natural advantages and thus to seize this opportunity for long-term profitability of the firm. ‘Technology’ mentioned in the mission statement certainly reflects the strengths of the company in relation to its extensive investment in research and development and innovative projects. It will keep on trying to change its business strategy and techniques by adding latest technology to its marketing opportunities. The statement is motivating to it stakeholders because it clearly defines its potential strengths and ways that it can grab marketing opportunities for leisure, entertainment and hospitality

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Employment law 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Employment law 3 - Assignment Example Karen files a complaint of sex/gender discrimination with the EEOC and Harrison is called to testify during the investigation. The EEOC decides not to pursue the matter. A month and a half after the investigation is closed, Tabernacle management moves Harrison from his cubicle to a cubicle on a vacant floor. All other aspects of his job remain the same. Harrison files a complaint of retaliation.   A.   Harrison cannot pursue a case of retaliation because the relocation of his work area between cubicles did not materially affect the terms, conditions, or privileges of his employment at Tabernacle. 10. Randi has been placed by a staffing firm in a temporary secretarial position with USD Industries. Randi is an employee solely by the staffing firm. The day after she reports, USD calls the staffing firm and requests that she be replaced due to her race. 11. In order to win a â€Å"quid pro quo† case, but not a â€Å"hostile work environment† case of sexual harassment, plaintiff must prove that some psychological injury resulted from the harassment. (F) 12. Maxwell Corp. distinguishes between applicants that it is willing to interview for any position, and those that it is not, on the degree to which an applicants handwriting is determined, by a qualified graphologist, to indicate high emotional stability and ambition. On the basis of this test, 70% of male applicants are deemed interviewable, while 45% of female applicants are deemed interviewable. The use of the handwriting analysis as a distinguishing factor has a disparate impact on women. (T) 15. Chip Onsholder is a welder for Mac’s Machine Tools. He cannot seem to please his new boss, Ms. Perfection. He suspects she doesn’t like him because she’s a liberal Democrat, and he’s a rock-ribbed Republican. One day, Chip makes a joke about the stupidity of donkeys and she fires him. When Chip sues for discrimination under Title 7, he will probably: 16.

Value nd Utility Differ Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Value nd Utility Differ - Research Paper Example The need for strategic management in public sector has made organization to become more accountable for achieving best value performance and within a market concentrated arena. â€Å"It is perceived that the  government can benefit from private sector management and obtain better value for money  than by embarking on an infrastructure project by itself, using traditional public ownership and procurement methods† (Lienert, 2009, p. 16). In the public sector, value relate to production of goods and service to generate an influence on socio economic problems affecting the society at large. Value is ascertained by an authorizing background, enabling public organizations to influence its utility and provide the necessary finance. The concept of utility of the approach concerns with professional administration in an organizational form, which in any case applies to be a good feature for many public sector organizations. By persuading managers to concentrate on a limited number o f procedures it aims to support precision and utility of strategy accomplishment. In a public sector production processes create value addition in all of the world’s high technology production. Benefit derives from a trade surplus in revenues from production processes and technology. ... hly distinguished customer experience that eliminate dissatisfaction and brings happiness to customers and increase market share besides facilitating higher revenue growth. BlueJay Manufacturing Company is at crossroads in its development. As the business expands, they faced a crisis: too much business. BlueJay's in recent time product launches are more in demand than had been anticipated by the senior leadership team (SLT). Consequently, they were struggling to find methods to meet that higher demand. BlueJay worked hard during recent years to develop its once tarnished quality image, and the SL Team felt that this approach was the best method to maintain sufficient control of both quality and cost. On the other hand, with product demand now rising radically, a different tact must be considered. Beyond integrating the risks of outsourcing into the assessment, compare the in-house expenses to the supplier proposals BlueJay wants to completely capture the total life cycle expenses for finishing the work with in their own resources and hence outsourcing decision is not made on buy price alone. Though BlueJay does desire to keep the job inside, it necessitated considerable capital investment Butler decided that he wants a cross-functional group with representation from the other departments in the company and feels that he particularly requires the finance group and those entire experts in financial analysis for assessing the production versus purchase decision for the proposal to be given to the SLT. The supply chain program at leading utilities has altered substantially in current years. The original focus on savings cost and organizational effectiveness has evolved, with increased activity across every utility sectors, to confront the challenges of supply, cost

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Employment law 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Employment law 3 - Assignment Example Karen files a complaint of sex/gender discrimination with the EEOC and Harrison is called to testify during the investigation. The EEOC decides not to pursue the matter. A month and a half after the investigation is closed, Tabernacle management moves Harrison from his cubicle to a cubicle on a vacant floor. All other aspects of his job remain the same. Harrison files a complaint of retaliation.   A.   Harrison cannot pursue a case of retaliation because the relocation of his work area between cubicles did not materially affect the terms, conditions, or privileges of his employment at Tabernacle. 10. Randi has been placed by a staffing firm in a temporary secretarial position with USD Industries. Randi is an employee solely by the staffing firm. The day after she reports, USD calls the staffing firm and requests that she be replaced due to her race. 11. In order to win a â€Å"quid pro quo† case, but not a â€Å"hostile work environment† case of sexual harassment, plaintiff must prove that some psychological injury resulted from the harassment. (F) 12. Maxwell Corp. distinguishes between applicants that it is willing to interview for any position, and those that it is not, on the degree to which an applicants handwriting is determined, by a qualified graphologist, to indicate high emotional stability and ambition. On the basis of this test, 70% of male applicants are deemed interviewable, while 45% of female applicants are deemed interviewable. The use of the handwriting analysis as a distinguishing factor has a disparate impact on women. (T) 15. Chip Onsholder is a welder for Mac’s Machine Tools. He cannot seem to please his new boss, Ms. Perfection. He suspects she doesn’t like him because she’s a liberal Democrat, and he’s a rock-ribbed Republican. One day, Chip makes a joke about the stupidity of donkeys and she fires him. When Chip sues for discrimination under Title 7, he will probably: 16.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Reflection on Practice - Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Reflection on Practice - Portfolio - Essay Example , titled "The Darkest Corners," details the grim conditions and human rights abuses faced by people who are committed to psychiatric care against their will, even if they do not pose a demonstrable threat of harm to themselves or to others. "[Such individuals] are denied the right to make decisions regarding their own fate, including admission, discharge, and treatment," CHRD said in an e-mailed statement. "Forced medical treatment, violence, and mistreatment occur frequently." It said psychiatric care facilities frequently restrict or prevent patients from communicating with the outside world, including their relatives and lawyers, and assume that patients relatives have the right to direct their treatment, even if the person is still quite capable of thinking for themselves. Under the Chinese mental health system, patients have no right to independent reviews upon admission or during their time in psychiatric hospitals, and the judicial system is unwilling to handle cases brought by former psychiatric patients. The report cited the case of Fujian website editor Cheng Tianfu, who was reportedly kidnapped by a group of psychiatric healthcare workers in a van in January, 2008, while on his way to the train station to catch a train to Beijing. "During his one-month detention in the hospital, Cheng was subjected to electric shocks and forcibly medicated," CHRD said. "Only when Cheng’s family consented to his discharge was he allowed to leave the hospital." Chinas rapid economic growth and deepening social inequalities are ramping up stress across the population, with urban white-collar workers, high-flyers, and young people all seeking psychological help in unprecedented numbers, mental health professionals say. Even the medically-based psychiatric profession was virtually nonexistent until well after the Cultural Revolution (1966-76) had ended, and psychologists were almost unheard of until about a decade ago. Meanwhile, Wang Wanxing, founder of the

Monday, October 14, 2019

The company’s efforts Essay Example for Free

The company’s efforts Essay Explain some of the company’s efforts to localize its offerings and describe how Successful these efforts were. What could have been done differently? Think local, Act local. Think local, Act local. This is company’s efforts to localize its offerings. Global business philosophy changes 3A to 3P principle, 3A is Availability, Affordability, Acceptability. It meaning is to make customers buy get, affordable, willing to buy. 3P is Pervasiveness, Price to value, Preference. (2) Held Activities Coca cola localized their products is based on countries’ culture such as Malaysia is Coke EURO 2012 â€Å"Buka Coca-Cola, Buka Semangat Bola† contest. And McDonalds introduced about the World Cup drinking cup in the 2012 World Cup. Besides, Coca cola localized in China through the Chinese design in Beijing Olympics. Beijing Olympic Games torch bearer selection, Coca Cola to provide 18 places. As a global partner of Beijing Olympic Torch Relay , Coca-Cola ( China ) Beverages Ltd. officially announced : [ Coca-Cola ] Olympic torchbearer selection Shanghai area started , the selection of the theme Who lit the flame of my heart to the public 18 torchbearers places the Olympic spirit and the journey of Harmony theme brought to every corner of Shanghai . (3) Indication marks The other belongs to the Coca-Cola company brand drinks of all the packaging and advertising, it is the emblem and the Coca-Cola company honor cooperation. For example, Sprite, Fanta .The words, this is actually in the ascension and strengthening Coca-Cola brand. In addition, with the local brand beverage friendly cooperative relations, as well as local brand beverage special affinity, Coca-Cola has a better relationship. (4) Advertisement Through the advertisement implants, also can improve the local people accept rate, and local phase fusion, increase sales. For example, the bottle of packaging is the local custom picture. In the development of any drinks can use original brand sales channels, like this is advantageous to quickly open the market, but also can greatly reduce the cost. Coke, Sprite, fanta and so on three brand sales ratio roughly 2:2:1, development basic equilibrium. From several brand reputation, reputation to market sales, show integral consistent, distinct features, taste and can achieve complementary. According to the characteristics of the Chinese market, the Coca-Cola company expanding their drinks varieties, from oolong tea to the new age style of fruit punch, high heat energy drinks, and even to the most ancient drinking water. So which is more in line with the tastes of the locals , and make it easier for everyone to accept. localize its offerings after, Products with the local people more close contact, from popularity and good reputation degree, market sales, can have very big promotion.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Did The Cold Wars Ending Cause Globalisation Politics Essay

Did The Cold Wars Ending Cause Globalisation Politics Essay Was globalization a cause or consequence of the end of the cold war? Globalization is a concept that is difficult to define. Due to the ambiguity surrounding what globalization actually constitutes, different political theories can have different views on globalization. In reference to whether globalization was a cause or consequence of the end of the Cold War, it can be argued that globalization was both and cause and consequence, depending on what theoretical approach is taken by the individual, as this essay will demonstrate. Globalization is a recent term which essentially encompasses a number of different concepts to explain a worldwide sense of interconnectedness. To understand globalization one needs to think of it as an extensive series of relationships which connect the economic, social, technological and cultural aspects of our (and other peoples) lives. Essentially globalization refers to movement, specifically an awareness that these relationships are changing with increasing speed and volatility as a result of the increasing ability for people, information, goods and services and even ideas to transgress the globe with relative ease, resulting in the relative de-territorialisation of social, economic and cultural activity and ideas within states. However, we must keep in mind that globalization is not homogenous and means a number of different things to different people. The Cold War (1939 1991) was a period of assumed conflict between the Soviet Union (USSR) and the United States of America (USA). Competition between the USSR and the United States was assumed because neither state directly engaged each other in military conflict. However, each state was vying for the dominance of opposing social and value systems (Zimmermann 2003: 20) which resulted in large increases in military spending for both countries, military coalitions with other nations (often resulting in proxy wars) and most famously a nuclear arms race (Duffield 2007: 25-26). The result of this was uniquely bipolar world structured in terms of liberal democracy [versus] socialist communism (Zimmermann 2003: 11) The end of the Cold War (generally thought of as the period from 1985 1991) ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union, an event which can be contributed to a number of events (Spellman 2006: 60). By examining the underlying factors for these events, from both a realist and liberalist perspective, we can come to an understanding of how globalization can be argued to be both a cause for the end of the Cold War and a consequence of the end of the Cold War, depending on which viewpoint is taken by the individual. We are able to use the tenets of realism to argue that, essentially, the end of the Cold War also ended the bipolar structure of the world (which inhibits globalization) thereby allowing globalization to take place. Realism holds the belief that the international system exists in anarchy meaning that there is no higher power to enforce rules upon that state. The bipolar structure of the world can be considered to be an example of anarchy in the global system in light of the fact that during the Cold War, states aligned themselves with either the United States of America or the Soviet Union, according to whether they were more inclined towards socialism or democracy, (Zimmermann 2003: 37) resulting in two distinct global blocs (eventually symbolised by NATO and WARSAW). A realist argument for this bipolarity could be that, in the absence of any meaningful international institution which could guarantee the security of state members, the survival of the state is its primary interest and comes above anything else. Consequently individual states believed that supporting one of the two superpowers would guarantee them this security if their sovereignty was threatened by another state. It can therefor e be argued that due to such multi-national alliances the structure of the world became very bipolar, inhibiting any form of globalization, which relies on the de-territorialisation and interconnectedness of states. Realism also proposes that international institutions are meaningless. At this time the United Nations proved ineffective as it relied largely upon the continued goodwill and co-operation of the Soviet Union and the United States of America (Romero 2005: 127). The end of World War II saw deterioration in relations between the USSR and the USA resulting in the Cold War which lead to the United Nations body (the formerly meaningful overarching power) becoming insignificant. Since globalization, to an extent, relies on the co-operation of states with each other the inefficiency of the United Nations at this time symbolizes the lack of co-operation between states, preventing globalization from taking place. A realist could argue that the hegemony of the United States of America over the USSR lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union. In the period leading up to the end of the Cold War the United States was able to dominate the Soviet Union diplomatically, economically and in terms of military strength as illustrated by President Regans ability to unite the western world in a stance against the Soviet Union (Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation 2008), the thriving U.S economy (compared to the USSR which was stuck in an extended period of stagnation) and the largest peace time military build-up in U.S history which the Soviets were unable to equal. (Zimmermann 2003: 223) This domination had a number of consequences for the Soviet Union including public discontent, a call for change in the face of communism and a move towards the fundamental principles upheld by the west nationalism, individualism and free market capitalism (Spellman 2006) which resulted in the collapse of the Soviet Unio n in 1991. The end of the Soviet Union had the effect of breaking the bipolarity of the world structure by removing the barriers inhibiting globalization, thereby allowing globalization in the form of increased connectivity and concomitant dependency (Zimmermann 2003) to take place. In this realist context globalization is a consequence of the end of the Cold War. In contrast, the liberalist perspective is that globalization caused the end of the Cold War, predominantly through denationalisation of power, resulting in the collapse of the Soviet Union. The overall approach or aim of liberalist theories is to promote individual freedom, rational thinking and human progress by removing the barriers that obstruct equality. In 1985 the Politburo elected reform minded Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Unlike previous secretaries Gorbachevs view of the world included the desire to end the conflict between the United States and the USSR, however many consider his reforms to have been extemporaneous, providing fewer and fewer tools to deal with the crises of the Soviet Union. In fact [Gorbachevs] policies accelerated these crises, (Romero 2005: 86) and to have lead to the decline of the USSR. In an attempt to bolster the Soviet Union and lift it out of a extended period of economic stagnation Gorbachev implemented a number of liberal based policies such as glasnost (political policy of freedom) and perestroika (reconstruction) (Young 1999: 109) thereby effectively removing ba rriers to individual freedom, realistic thinking and human development posed by the formerly oppressive policies of the socialist state. Gorbachevs policy changes can be argued to be in part, contributed to the effects of globalization, in the sense that Gorbachev had been influenced by western (non-socialist) principles when making his reforms which supports the argument for globalization, that state interconnectedness de-nationalizes state power. Liberalist theory places emphasis on individual freedom and rights, it considers the existence of the state to solely promote and preserve the rights of its individual citizens; an inability to do this will result in the breakdown of the state. Mikhail Gorbachevs glasnost and perestroika reforms had unintended consequences for the authority of the communist state over its people. The reduction of communist control over the people under glasnost resulted in the Politburo losing control of the media. With new found freedom to speak out against the state, the media readily exposed the past and present inadequacies and failures of the USSR to the public and more importantly the rest of the world. For example: the countrys current economic difficulties, Chernobyl disaster and former endorsement of Adolf Hitler during World War II were all events which exposed the fault lines in [an] already weak state (Duffield 2007: 53). The public became dissatisfied with the so called positives of sovi et life as the negative aspects of the Soviet Union were brought into the spotlight, and readily expressed their dissatisfaction, threatening the existence of the USSR. Essentially the result of the glasnost and perestroika reforms made the Soviet Union more globalised in the sense that state power was de-nationalised and distributed among institutions (Zimmermann 2003: 59-60) such as the free media which had the ability to spread ideas about the state amongst the public and people outside the Soviet Union, ideas which contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union and therefore the end of the Cold War. The inability of the Soviet Union to represent the best interests of the public resulted in an uprising against the USSR which was catalysed through globalization. In a notable incident in Poland the oppressed people of the Solidarity movement were able to protest the ban on Solidarity. Gorbachev, through glasnost, had weakened the ability of the Soviet regime to impose its control over its republics, for Poland this meant no leaders to restore central authority (Spellman 2006: 192) which allowed the polish to protest without excessive oppression. To liberalists this can be considered to be an act of globalization in the sense that ideas of the Solidarity movement were able to transgress the territorial borders of the state enabling American president Ronald Reagan to seize upon the opportunity to extend a hand of support to the millions behind the iron curtain who looked to the west for help by placing economic sanctions of Poland to protest Solidarity resulting in Soviet non-interv ention in the affair (Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation 2008) which in part contributed to the collapse of the USSR for the reason that other constitute republics followed Polands lead in a move away from socialism (Spellman 2006: 87) mitigating the Soviet power base Liberalists would consider the rise of the people against the socialist state as inevitable due to the fact the only purpose of the state is to promote and preserve the rights of its individual citizens something which the predominately communist Soviet regime was not doing. Globalization as an ever increasing state actor acted upon the bipolar structure of the world, slowly breaking it down as co-operation between states and an emphasis on freedom, equality and free market capitalism increased in the eastern bloc (Romero 2005: 57-58) which resulted in domestic actors and structures within the USSR challenging the socialist regime of the country cumulating in a breakdown of the USSR and the end of the Cold War As demonstrated globalization can be considered both cause and a consequence for the end of the Cold War depending on the theoretical approach taken and which facets of that theoretical approach are applied to the situation. Considering this, the question of whether the globalization was a cause or consequence of the end of Cold War has no definitive answer when applied alongside political theoretical framework and merely constitutes an opportunity for the individual to appreciate the arguments of different theoretical approaches.