
Thursday, May 2, 2019

Carbon footprint Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Carbon footprint - Research Paper ExampleAccording to a search conducted by University of California, average American household deoxycytidine monophosphate emissions are about 19.8 metric unit tons of one C paper emissions. However, some of our activities increase the average level of railway carbon emissions. In my daily routine, I use to move in my car to a fair distance to the gym where I workout for about 1 hour and then take sauna for about 15 minutes and then travel sanction to billet. The total distance to gym from my home and form gym to my home is about 10 miles that adds 1.43 metric tons of carbon emission to my individual carbon footprint. Working out at gym for 1 hour further adds 0.28 metric ton of carbon footprint per year. In the similar manner, my food carbon footprint is also high, as I do like cheese and beef that have the some carbon footprint (Environmental Protection Agency, 2014). I have an old inefficient refrigerator at home that makes a lot of noise but less cooling. The carbon footprint of the refrigerator is about one hundred seventy-five Kg. My television footprint is about 215 Kg that is the exact value of emitted carbon-dioxide from a television if we use it for 4 hours daily. I almost utilize the watching machine daily that adds about 91 Kg of carbon emission to my individual carbon footprint (Vaughan, 2009).In order to reduce my personal carbon footprint, I must change my lifestyle, particularly, some of the activities that have higher carbon footprint. The activities like sauna, workout, driving in car to the gym, watching television and using incandescent lights are required to be changed (Sovacool & Brown, 2010). At very sign stage, I will calculate the calories that I reduce during the workout at gym and sauna. It is better to do any alternate exercise like cycling, jogging or any other activity. Cycling for go around distance for grocery reduces the travels carbon footprint as well as reduces the calorie count o f the torso and makes a person fit. I will

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